Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between accounting and bookkeeping?

Accountants are responsible for collecting and interpreting financial data, whereas bookkeepers record and organize documents and information. Although the two are distinct, they share specific responsibilities.

What metrics should I track?

Accurately recording your income, losses, and expenses from driving for Uber or Lyft is essential. This detailed documentation is key to calculating your tax liabilities and identifying potential deductions. Any gaps in your financial records can lead to costly mistakes come tax season.

Are my tips included in my gross earnings total?

Yes. Your tips count toward the gross earning total amount. However, we'll compare Uber or Lyft policies with current tax resources to ensure tips are handled correctly.

"Ridesharing CPA's made filing my taxes a breeze. They were thorough, knowledgeable, and saved me money. I highly recommend their services!”

— Shlomie


Ridesharing CPA
Brooklyn, New York, United States